about the monday mourning podcast
Steeped in gallows humor and unexpected euphemisms for parental death, Monday Mourning is very different than your run-of-the-mill grief podcast.
The motto is, “Death is everywhere, always! Let’s talk about it!”. Tune in every other Monday to hear three grief aficionados talk about the never-ending journey that is loss.

will i like monday mourning?

The tone of Monday Mourning is absurd, honest, introspective, and healing. Themes include regrets, holidays, meaning, depression, anger, relationships, capitalism, and (our personal favorite) cigarettes.
If you’re a fan of trauma bonding, emotional dumping, and cigarette smoking, you may enjoy Monday Mourning.
listeners + stats
trigger warning
• 750 unique listeners
• listeners in over 47 countries,
including the us, the uk, canada, kenya,
australia, germany, india, france, south africa, japan, mexico, ireland, spain, the netherlands...
• 100% 5 star reviews on apple podcasts
the topics covered in this podcast are
mature in content. Mucho cursing, references to human genitalia, kinks, + sex, as well as mentions of drug use (+ abuse) and suicidal ideation.
The podcast also goes in depth on death and
dying (i.e. the nitty gritty of what a person
may witness when someone is dying).
reviews + testimonials

in a day and age where support groups can be tough to locate, this podcast uses humor and wit to address the multi-faceted beast of grief. a maelstrom of dark comedy, mournful sentimentality, and the occasional single tear, this podcast does well to inform, reflect, and communicate why grief is unique, powerful, and kinda funny if you think about it.
- apple podcasts listener gratefulgriever420

These guys are a blast to listen to! Terrible circumstances bring the DPC together and it’s so hard to find people in their 20’s who relate in such a deep level. Gabby, Madison, and Harry really connect to each other and show us new members that it’s okay to grieve however we need to.
Dark humor is so much more than the jokes and I am truthfully so happy I’ve found this podcast because it takes away the taboo of talking and joking about losing a parent. Having this support system as a brand new grief baby is making all the difference in my grief journey.
These three have said more profound, helpful, funny and supportive things to me than literally anyone else and that’s so big for me. Thank you to Gabby, Madison, and Harry! I can’t wait for all that’s to come.
- Apple Podcasts listener mkhdforever

So fun so comforting.... love these guys
- Apple Podcasts listener Rosie

hey, i’m a little grief baby (only 3 weeks old) and I just wanted to tell
you that your podcast has helped tremendously, i listen to your episodes
one after the other and laugh so hard (especially for the “what color
was your dying parent”) and feel less alone in this super duper great
adventure that is the utter non existence of a parent. Thank you for
talking with such honesty...
- listener + instagram follower adele

yo just started listening to your podcast and can i just say thank you!
thank you for shining a light into grief from a humorous perspective.
i’m three months into my grief after losing my dad to a firecracker of
cancer that took over his body. i feel so in tune to every fucking word
you guys say and literally am dying laughing through the whole thing...
thanks for doing this for those dark twisty brains that need to laugh
their way through this. my dad was an irishman full of humour always
and he’d appreciate a smile coming on my face through this.
- listener + instagram follower Sheena
get in touch
Want to share your story? ask a question? feature us in an
upcoming interview or publication? profess your love for us?
sweet! either email us at deadparentsclub.rip@gmail.com
or fill out this contact form!